– Workshops and speaker services available for all topics.
– Coaching services available for Public Speaking.
It would be nice if engaging in effective communication, meant we “just talk” or “just write.” I have a few communication challenges, which I am constantly working to improve. Some of us are not aware of our communication challenges, and if we are, many aren’t sure how to overcome or manage them. Together we will explore the common areas, tools and tips of basic communication.
*Examples of specific areas in Communication: Business email, Conversations, Customer Service, Job Interview, and Public Speaking
Public Speaking
Good public speaking skills could help you deliver an epic wedding speech, ace a business pitch, or clinch a promotion with a stellar presentation. Additionally, improving basic public speaking skills could help build confidence and positively impact your social skills. This public speaking skills workshop is always engaging and highly interactive. Get ready and be ready. We’re going to have so much fun with this one.
*Examples of specific areas in Public Speaking: Event Emceeing/Hosting, Group Facilitation, Speeches, and Workplace Presentations
– All services are customized/tailored to meet the needs of each client.
– Learning objectives will be determined during needs assessment.
– We will explore the best content and format to meet your needs and ensure engaging, interactive and fun experiences.
– After customizing/tailoring your service a title and descriptive can be created for your specific event or activity.